Visual Design | Infographics | Motion Graphics | Creative Direction

Illustrations: The Legacy Of Black Entrepreneurship


Art Direction, Design, Photo Illustration

When Forbes writers Ruth Umoh and Brianne Garrett were planning their 2020 Black History Month celebration of Black Entrepreneurship, they requested I provide a header image for the package. Their only stipulations were that the image include Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Kanye West, and Robert F. Smith, and that it contain a map of America or American imagery. These photoillustrations were the result of that collaboration, complete with images sourced from Getty and Bloomberg and edited by me in order to present a regal “carved in granite” look.

I used fragments of an old map of the United States, edited to match the red in the page’s color palette to bring some extra color to the image and double-down on the collage aesthetic.

Overall, I’m very happy with the way this image came out, with the highlight of this collaboration definitely being Robert F. Smith sharing a screenshot of the image on his Instagram account, stating that he’s “honored to be among excellence.”


Art Direction, Design, Photo Illustration

When Forbes writers Ruth Umoh and Brianne Garrett were planning their 2020 Black History Month celebration of Black Entrepreneurship, they requested I provide a header image for the package. Their only stipulations were that the image include Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Kanye West, and Robert F. Smith, and that it contain a map of America or American imagery. These photoillustrations were the result of that collaboration, complete with images sourced from Getty and Bloomberg and edited by me in order to present a regal “carved in granite” look.

I used fragments of an old map of the United States, edited to match the red in the page’s color palette to bring some extra color to the image and double-down on the collage aesthetic.

Overall, I’m very happy with the way this image came out, with the highlight of this collaboration definitely being Robert F. Smith sharing a screenshot of the image on his Instagram account, stating that he’s “honored to be among excellence.”

Desktop Header Image

Mobile Header

Thumbnail Image